Vamp é adjetivo, é substantivo e advérbio. Significa ser antenado, ácido, pratico em encontrar respostas ou atitudes adequadas. Não tem nada a ver com essa onda de vampiros em saga.. C´mon! Já com aqueles vampiros clássicos, sensuais, inteligentes, atemporais... Quem sabe marcamos uma entrevista?
sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013
Extremamente inteligente e sutil a abordagem sobre como se processa o conhecimento médico-científico. Um convite à reflexão! O que hoje é obvio já foi uma dúvida e fez muita gente "gastar" tempo matutando...
Hoje o passado nos parece uma piada e daqui a 100 anos vão rir de nós.. "Quanta inocência em 2013, ainda tratavam o melanoma apenas com essas drogas". "Eles discutiam se existia tal doença; hoje qualquer um fica curado com uma simples dose de vacina", por aí vai.
Dadas as devidas proporções isso acontece todo dia. Quantas vezes nos tornamos tão acorrentados à rotina e ficamos cegos para as possibilidades?
E pensar que "por trás" da história do vibrador havia tanta ciência...
quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013
If this world is just an apple then let me take a bite
Thirteen years ago this boy did his first trip by himself. Yeah, his first trip alone ever! Destiny? Canada! Why? To study English.. One of the most intriguing things is that he chose to study english in Motréal. Everybody knows the first language in Montréal is french and of course he knew it too.
The reasons for him to choose Montreal were many... Cheaper, friends references, security, a city that is not too big and dangerous for his first trip.
Excluding Serrinha (a small town close to Salvador where his family lives until now) he never went to any place alone.
First plane alone! Nobody to do tell him what to do... Which gate? What's the flight number? The boarding time? Do I need to fill up all these forms before I get to Canada?
The first part to São Paulo was ok. Where is the second check in? Air Canada? Which terminal? Another check in? Again?
When he reached Canada... What is the reason for your visit? Are you by youself? Show me where you are going to study...
Once more; he was brave. Not only his first visit without his parents on a foreing country, on a foreign language, but also he was wanting to enjoy all of his time (this part never changed until today, thanks God).
As he arrived in Toronto on Thrusday and his classes would just begin on monday, he decided to stay in Toronto to get to know the city and just travel to Montréal on Sunday...
More questions... Where I can change my money? Take the cab? How can I go from here to the CN Tower? Where I can get a bus to Niagara Falls? Do I need to buy the ticket before?
His most important feature is that he wasn't afraid to ask and was starving to learn.
All the time at Canada was fine, He loved it. He really improved his english. As soon as he got in Brazil he took the TOEFL with a good mark. He started to love even more his english classes. He knew people from all over the world. He sure had problems too... Somebody stole his money, he was flirted by the first and the second time, and he was afraid of this flirt turning into a robbery (poor innocent boy).
The Only thing he'd never know is that from that time on he would never be the same again. His questions turned into more questions; he was craving to know more, to get more, to do more, to be more; it was his first step for his inner travel he's still doing by now.
This boy was me, thirteen years younger, some pounds lighter. Our dreams are not the same, nor our priorities. Our fears had changed, as well as our feelings and worries, but one thing remained the same: our hunger to bite the world. "Tell me that's human nature"!
Thank to my family that made it possible! Thank to Canada to had received me with open arms! Thank God to the opportunity!
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